I’m a born and raised So Cal native. In my household I’m the budget boss and my husband is the chef. I have a real thing for sunshine, which is just one reason why I’ve never wanted to live anywhere else. Sometimes I’m the quiet one in the corner silently observing, but I’m also that girl laughing out loud with a glass of wine in her hand. I work in an office, and I work out. I’m an avid movie watcher of all genres, but horror movies are my favorite. I’m that person who watches with English subtitles on so I won’t miss a thing. I love to travel, so i
I’ve had a love for words since I was a little girl and spent many summers reading as many books as I could get my hands on. My love of reading words led to a love for writing. I’ve been keeping diaries, which turned into journals since I was ten years old. Writing a novel was always the goal even when I was too afraid to admit it, but I wasn’t certain I could until I stopped wishing for it and started doing it.